About us

Terra Lingua Growers is a community-focused agricultural company that is dedicated to sustainability. All of our produce is grown chemical free, strictly following organic guidelines. Organic certification has deliberately never been pursued so that we can keep costs down for our customers.

Our vegetables and fruits are grown both in the greenhouse using hydroponics systems and in the field using regenerative techniques.

Our Roots

The independent farm business was launched in 2017 with the lease of a 2,000 sq. ft. greenhouse at the Smith Mill Works facility in Asheville, NC and a five-acre parcel of bottom land in Etowah, NC. Following the purchase of a 14-acre property in Landrum, S.C., Terra Lingua relocated to a space that allowed for considerable expansion.

We currently have over two acres in field production along with 5,040 sq. ft of greenhouse space in full swing. We grow year-round; the newly opened farm store provides customers with purchasing opportunities even when the farmers market closes down for the winter.

We grow a wide variety of chemical-free fruits, veggies, and herbs with a heavy focus on specialty greens. We sell at the Landrum Farmers market, to several local restaurants, and through our farm store—see the “Farm Store” and “Find Us” tab for additional information about where to find and purchase our produce.