It was exhilarating to welcome almost 200 people out to the farm this past weekend as a part of the ASAP 2019 Farm Tour! As visitors wandered the rows of kale and onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes, the guest favorite was by far the patty pan. The huge plant’s sprawl is waist-high with massive leaves like solar panels. They are prolific producers--on almost every vine hangs a yellow, white, or green jewel-like patty pan squash. We hope you are enjoying the abundance of seasonal, freshly picked squash in your box.

Stuffed squash is super versatile,  this can be done with anything on hand. This is an example. For vegetarians, mushrooms and kale instead of meat make great stuffing.

Stuffed Patty Pan

Stuffed squash is super versatile,  this can be done with anything on hand. This is an example. For vegetarians, mushrooms and kale instead of meat make great stuffing.

1 patty pan (the larger patty pans are best suited for stuffing)


Onion, chopped 

Garlic, 1 clove



Rice, orzo, cous cous or quinoa 

Browned beef or sausage (optional)


In the oven, cook the whole patty pan at 450°

Cook the grain of choice

In a hot buttered pan, brown onion and beef, adding thyme, cumin, and garlic last

When soft, remove pattypan from the oven. Cut around the stem and remove the insides of the squash. Discard seeds. Stuff squash with grain/beef/herb mixture and top with brie. Place back in the oven until cheese melts and flavors mingle.

 Alternately, crack an egg on top and cook in the oven until over easy.


Pattypan is also delicious unstuffed. At the farm, we have been enjoying patty pan simply sliced and sautéed and added to a meal, thrown on the grill, or sautéed with kale, goat cheese, and onion.


First Week of the 2023Summer CSA
